• شرکت طاها کیمیا تجهیز
Turret Hassler Full Diameter Coreholder Corelab

X-Ray Core Holder- FCH Series Corelab


X-ray and Gamma scanning measurements are widely used to analyze the fluid flow properties within the reservoir. These core holders are used for this application. These core holders offer an aluminum body which is over wrapped with carbon fiber composite. The aluminum-composite body absorbs less X-rays or Gamma rays than an all-aluminum core holder and is more cost effective than a carbon fiber epoxy core holder. With the lower absorption, dual-energy studies can still be performed at high pressure. The composite aluminum body has a uniform thickness throughout the length of the core, so measurements can be easily performed. The internal parts of the core holder can be similar to the Hassler, Biaxial, Tri-axial, or pressure tapped core holders. Please refer to the RCH, HCH, TCH, or DCH Series catalog sheets for specific information.

Product Description

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X-Ray Core Holder- FCH Series Data Sheet