• شرکت طاها کیمیا تجهیز
Turret Hassler Full Diameter Coreholder Corelab

Lubricity Evaluation Monitor LEM-4100 Corelab


Lubricity Evaluation Monitors are designed for the static or dynamic testing of drilling fluids or muds and lubricants at atmospheric and reservoir conditions. Excessive torque and drag can have many adverse effects during the drilling process. To optimize the drilling process, various drilling mud and lubricant combinations need to be evaluated. This series of instruments is designed to allow the end user to measure the mud lubricity or friction coefficients between a simulated tool joint and a well bore surface under simulated reservoir conditions. The instruments are designed to test reservoir core samples as well as various drill pipes or casing materials. From this information, the user can recommend proper mud systems, determine optimum lubricant concentrations, develop new lubricant additives, predict drill string loads, minimize torque and drag, and improve drill string design techniques. From this information, the end user will be able to optimize the drilling process to reduce the overall drilling costs.

Product Description

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Lubricity Evaluation Monitor LEM-4100 data sheet