• شرکت طاها کیمیا تجهیز
Turret Hassler Full Diameter Coreholder Corelab

Mercury Free Spikeflash Corelab


The Spikeflash instrument is design to allow for the safe flashing of pressurised samples to atmospheric pressure at elevated temperature whilst allowing the collection of both the liquid and gaseous phases for further evaluation. The Spikeflash unit consists of two temperature controlled Air baths (a Separation Oven and a Coil Oven), a temperature controller Enclosure, a Spikeflash flask (for the collection of the liquid phase), stainless steel and copper tubing, various stainless steel valves and a Gasometer.

Product Description

برای دانلود برگه مشخصات فنی محصول روی لینک زیر کلیک فرمایید.

Mercury Free Spikeflash Data sheet