Model 432 Gauge Calcimeter-Fann
Model 432 Gauge Calcimeter-Fann
In Fann Calcimeters the calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate are reacted with 10 % Hydrochloric Acid to form CO2. This is done in a sealed reaction cell and the pressure build up due to the CO2 is measured using either a pressure gauge or a pressure recorder. The use of a Calibration Curve, determined through the use of pure Calcium Carbonate reagent, allows the pressure developed to be related to the weight of calcium carbonate in the calibration sample. Several weights of sample are suggested to provide an accurate curve. These tests can be conducted using either the pressure gauge or recorder with the reaction cell. The sample can be weighed on a portable balance with 10 mg
Model 432 Gauge Calcimeter – Part Number 209696
Reaction Chamber with Basket
30 psig Gauge – Instructions
Product Description
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