• شرکت طاها کیمیا تجهیز
Turret Hassler Full Diameter Coreholder Corelab

Multi-Stage Flash Separator Corelab


Designed to simulate a full-scale field separation unit the MFS-200 operates from atmospheric pressure up to 2,000 psig and temperatures from 40 °F to 200 °F. The MFS-200 is used to determine the optimum conditions for field separation by calculating the changes in Formation Volume Factor and gas-oil ratios with relation to changes in separator pressure and temperature. The complete system comprises two high accuracy gasometers for gas volume determination, high accuracy digital pressure transducer, high pressure mercury pump, temperature controlled bath with high accuracy digital circulating pump and variable pressure piston.

Product Description

برای دانلود برگه مشخصات فنی محصول روی لینک زیر کلیک فرمایید.

Multi-Stage Flash Separator Data sheet