Capillary Suction Timer-Fann
Capillary Suction Timer-Fann
The Model 440 Capillary Suction Timer (CST) measures the filtration rate. This instrument consists of a digital timer, sample cell, test head assembly with funnel, 9 VDC battery, 115 VAC battery eliminator, and filter paper.
Water in aqueous samples passes through the filter paper by capillary suction. The capillary suction time is the time that it takes for the sample to travel between two electrodes. The filtration rate is dependent upon particle size, solids content, and settling rates of flocculated particles. This instrument is useful in these applications:
• Drilling Fluids • Soil and Bentonite Liners
• Waste Disposal • Slurry Trench Fluids
• Geotechnical
Product Description
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