• شرکت طاها کیمیا تجهیز



The Multi-Retort is a 5-cell; 50ml oil and water retort which allows more accurate, faster, consistent, and convenient gathering of oil on cuttings data as well as oil, water, and solids analysis of drilling fluids.
Fann’s exclusive Multi-Retort can simultaneously test five separate samples of drilling fluids and/or cuttings. Offshore drilling rig operators may now gather samples quicker and then more accurately interpret data about the amounts of oil and water in drilling fluids or on cuttings. This helps ensure that the amounts of oil on cuttings does not exceed established environmental boundaries and helps protect against possible pollution problems.

Product Description

برای دانلود برگه مشخصات فنی محصول روی لینک زیر کلیک فرمایید.
