• شرکت طاها کیمیا تجهیز

Model 802P Roller Oven-Fann


The Fann roller oven line now includes a portable model with a heat range that extends to 600° F.
The Model 802P roller oven features two powerdriven rollers, a digital temperature controller and a timer. An internal fan assures uniform temperature distribution throughtout the oven. Only aging cells rated for 600° F should be used in the Model 802P oven. Two aging cells may be used at one time.
The compact design of the Model 802P oven makes it easier to install and move. The oven has a switchable power supply and will run on 115 volt alternating current or 230 volt power. Cords are available for many countries.

Product Description

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Model 802P Roller Oven Data sheet – Fann